Pearl bath
Pearl bath
relaxation, relieve psychical and muscle tension
Spa treatment information
- bath water temperature 36 - 37 °C or according to the physician's instructions
- water contains 70 percent hot spring water
- the ultra-fine effervescent massage of the body is carried out by air flowing through small nozzles
- the bath can be supplemented with a salt or oil additive (see below - bath additives)
Treatment duration
20 minutes

Classical massage - partial
Classical massage - partial
eliminates stiffness, shortening and muscle pain, fatigue, positively affects the lymphatic system, strengthens the regeneration of the body, improves blood circulation in tissues
Spa treatment information
- massage is performed using a massage cream or oil in the form of massage touches and moves
- more intense and harder massage moves are used to remove accumulated fatigue (e.g. lactic acid) from muscles
- the back, neck, leg and hand areas are massaged
Treatment duration
20 minutes

stimulates total blood circulation, lymphatic system, improves metabolic process - breaks down fat cells, relieves joints pain, induces psychical and physical relaxation
Spa treatment information
- bath water temperature 36 - 37 °C
- the massage bath is performed in a special fully automated bathtub
- the ultra-fine effervescent massage of the body is carried out by air flowing through small nozzles
- the whole body is massaged by air flowing through nozzles of different diameters and alternating pressure intensities
Treatment duration
20 minutes

during chronic inflammation or degenerative diseases of the spine and joints it relieves pain, relieves muscle and joint stiffness, activates skin receptors, improves psychical relaxation
Spa treatment information
- water temperature 36 - 37 °C
- the bath is accompanied with a water jet massage where water flows from the nozzles in the bathtub walls
Treatment duration
20 minutes

analgesic and cosmetic effects, improves skin blood circulation, relieves joint and fibrous stiffness
Spa treatment information
- the procedure is suitable for rheumatic diseases, arthrosis, muscle spasms, bone fractures
- hands are repeatedly immersed in bath filled with paraffin dissolved at 55 °C, hands are then wrapped in plastic and bath towels
Treatment duration
20 minutes

stimulates lymph circulation, improves lymph drain from a specific area without increasing filtration, enhances the regeneration of the body
Spa treatment information
- thanks to alternation between under pressure and overpressure of the massaged part of the body the venous return is accelerated, the arterial blood supply is increased, the lymphatic drainage is increased (lymph drain improvement)
- after the procedure and during the day, liquid intake should be increased and alcoholic beverages should not be consumed
- it is recommended to wear comfortable sportswear
Treatment duration
20 minutes

Oxygen therapy
Oxygen therapy
regenerative effect (mainly for brain cells), therapeutic effect during chronic respiratory insufficiency, anti-sclerotic effect (when the treatments are repeated it slows the aging process)
Spa treatment information
- the patient intakes vitamins during the procedure
- oxygen is inhaled through a nasal probe (plastic tube) and an oxygen concentrator-device, which removes other gases from the air (especially nitrogen) thereby generating higher oxygen concentrations
Treatment duration
60 minutes

reduces muscle tension, improves overall blood circulation, improves mental well-being, has a beneficial effect on back and neck pain
Spa treatment information
- dry massage bath
- full body massage according to the set programme, done with a stream of water through a rubber membrane, that is in a dry way
Treatment duration
20 minutes

Classic massage - full body
Classic massage - full body
eliminates stiffness, muscle shortening and muscle pain, fatigue, positively affects the lymphatic system, strengthens the regeneration of the body, improves blood circulation in tissues
Spa treatment information
- massage is performed using a massage cream or oil in the form of massage touches and moves
- more intense and harder massage moves are used to remove accumulated fatigue (e.g. lactic acid) from the muscles
- the back, neck, leg and hand area are massaged
Treatment duration
40 minutes

Foot massage
Foot massage
relaxes psychical tension, headaches, migraines, improves blood circulation, removes heavy legs symptom, relieves pain, speeds up detoxification
Spa treatment information
- the aim of the massage is the relaxation of numerous small joints, fibrous structures and foot muscles
- massage is carried out on the sole and the instep of both lower limbs
- the foot contains reflex points connected to individual organs in the body
- a massage bath tub is provided before the procedure
Treatment duration
40 minutes

Aroma massage
Aroma massage
relieves stress and tension, improves blood circulation, helps with the lymph cleaning, has a beneficial effect on skin renewal
Spa treatment information
- relaxing full body massage using various aromatic and ethereal oils
Treatment duration
40 minutes

Hot stone massage
Hot stone massage
stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic system, detoxifies the body, helps to remove spine pain, muscle pain, headaches and relaxes physical and psychical tension, harmonizes energy in the body
Spa treatment information
- relaxing full body massage using lava stones
- lava stones are heated up in a water bath at 50 - 55 °C
- warm stones are gradually laid on selected parts of the body
- massage includes whole body peeling and wrap
Treatment duration
70 minutes